August 19

We are off to a GREAT start!!!!  I am so excited about this year. Just a reminder...students have agenda papers in their binders that have our lessons for the week (they will fill this out each Monday).  You can also find this on my teacher page.

This week we will be continuing in our SpringBoard book.  We are reading the Story “The Circuit”. We will complete vocabulary lessons, questions, and practice narrative writing.  I plan on having a test on Friday and practice grammar (nouns). I have sent a practice sheet home for this week. It is due on Friday and will be combined with another assignment for a grade. Students can log in to the Springboard book and google classroom at home at any time.  I have put the first part of our vocabulary in Quizlet which can be found in our google classroom under assignments. Also, on Tuesday, we will be taking our STAR Test.

Thank you for all your support!!!!!